Our blog

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Changing Times

The more things change, the more they stay the same. That’s a quote from 1849 from French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr. In view of the general turmoil in the world at the moment, it seems apt. Britain has voted for change and, for those of us who have a curiosity of life, it will be…

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When doing is just too much

A client was talking about her relationship with her best friend. She told me how flattered she was when the friend said: “I love you coming to stay – I don’t have to try.” My client took it to mean her friend (let’s call her Mary) was so relaxed with and fond of my client…

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king charles iii (july 2023)

Welcome Back Bonnie King Charles

King Charles has returned to public life, albeit in a more limited way than we (and he) had probably imagined at the start of his reign. That’s a relief, I’ve missed him and I’m not sure I expected to. Strangely enough, I’m not alone. If you read the papers, you’ll see how much coverage is…

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When emojis take over from words

I’ve been lucky enough to be working with a wide range of very different people in recent days. I say “lucky” because I’m told that’s what it is – a new “challenge” I must “embrace”, even if it’s one I might not usually relish. I’m not mad about change. I understand the Darwin theory about…

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The Comforting Sense of Smell

Last month’s blog was seen as being more serious than usual. My excellent boss delivered that view in an observant rather than judgmental way but still it struck home. I reflected and wondered if perhaps I was finding it harder to be light-hearted in view of what’s happening around the world. It’s been a trying…

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spring flowers

Marking New Beginnings

It’s February and if we narrow our eyes and look into the still-quite-far distance, there’s a possibility we can see the first signs of spring. Fair enough, this month has potential to take us back into the dark gloomy days of winter with an often late-rush of snow bringing travel to a standstill and keeping…

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The Kindness of Strangers

January: a month of new beginnings, new hopes, new resolutions. All things are possible as we look ahead to the promise of a new year. Or so it seems. Most of us start the year with a list of pledges to ourselves (and sometimes others) about what we are going to do differently. Top of…

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Happy New Year!

  Wishing you a hopeful and happy New Year.   With best wishes from all at 96 Harley Street.  

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