Our blog
A Quest For The Best
A social media posting by an unknown American has been viewed more than 100,000 times. That sounds like a pretty respectable number. What makes it more amazing, however, is that it’s a tribute to the UK. Imgur user Chimichanga007 – no, I wasn’t sure what Imgur was either – says s/he lived in the UK for a…
In Celebration of Love
February, a month that is still dark and drizzly and, to me at any rate, representative of a bleak time of year. The exception is St Valentine’s Day. I looked up its origins and they, too, seem to be a bit dark, with the theme running through all the legends of a Christian priest –…
Reasons To Be Cheerful
The vaccination is being rolled out, Spring is (almost) within sight and yet I am finding many people feeling much gloomier than they were during the first lockdown. It was summer then, of course, and it was a good opportunity to enjoy spending time away from the office and outdoors. Many of us were still…
Brexit – Positively My Last Word
It is four years since the referendum and Britain is now finally out of the EU – for good or ill, depending on your viewpoint. January is a traditional time for looking forward but this year is like no other in many people’s lifetime; we are uncertain about what it is we have to look…
Feeling Grounded
How are you about handbags? This, gentlemen, is not just a question for females. Anyone who aspires to understand what the other sex (gender) is like, needs to know about handbags. A handbag is so much more than somewhere to store necessary objects while moving from one place to another, it’s more like an ever-expanding…
Careful What You Wish For
You remember when the talk was all about living in the “here and now”, a technique of mindfulness that helped us to focus on the present, rather than dwell on the past or what may happen in the future? Well, here we are, living the dream. We are well and truly operating in the…
Putting On Your Big Boy Pants
The best quote of the US presidential elections surely has to be: “What the President needs to do frankly is put his big boy pants on. It was said by Philadelphia mayor Jim Kenney as he encouraged Donald Trump to concede defeat as President-elect Jim Biden was declared winner. I don’t need to go on….
How We Gain From Walking With Nature
We are now facing the threat, or reality, of another period of severely limited activities, social and financial deprivation and continued uncertainty. These conditions will be exacerbated by fewer daylight hours and colder weather and we are going to have to dig deep to counteract the psychological – and physical – damage that these…