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Inflammatory stuff

You know what it’s like – some days everything just seems to go awry. The boiler starts leaking, your child gets sick and has to be picked up from school, and when you step out to get into the car you realise you’ve had a flat tyre. These are the sorts of daily stressors that…

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What happens when even our mental health provision is depressed?

From ‘Addressing the Deterioration in Public Psychotherapy Provision’ (UKCP/BPC) A recent report published by the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and the British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC) entitled ‘Addressing the deterioration in public psychotherapy provision‘ leaves us in no doubt as to the state of government provision of mental health services. Some of the more…

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Pesticides go incognito

At no other time in world history have we been exposed to such a heady cocktail of chemicals which, while supposedly making our lives easier, also put us at risk. From the fumes we inhale in traffic-choked cities to the plastic residues we ingest on cling-filmed foods, we are arguably being bombarded. Pyrethroid insecticides are…

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CBT forty years on

Albert Ellis (1913-2007) Last year, the World Health Organization ranked depressive disorders as the third highest cause of disease burden in the world. You don’t have to look very far to verify this claim. Psychotherapy has been rightly identified as a fundamental approach to its treatment and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has enjoyed pride of…

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Are you anxious to make a decision?

How many of us can genuinely say we find decision-making easy? Sure, when the question is tea or coffee, spots or stripes, wine or mineral water, it’s no big deal. But what about when the stakes are higher, like ‘should I take that job that pays less but is less stressful’ or ‘should we leave…

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How much do you love me?

Do you have a penchant for a certain brand of perfume or aftershave? Would you camp out overnight to lay your hands on the latest piece of Apple kit? One group of researchers has set out to discover whether people feel the same kind of love for brands as they do for people, in a…

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Let them eat Prozac

The neurotransmitter theory, despite being a theory, has become hard-wired into our understanding of the way depression works. A shortfall in the neurotransmitter serotonin in the synapses between neurones represents a ‘chemical imbalance’ which leads to the symptoms of depression, right? Professor David Healy, author of a book published in 2004 entitled ‘Let them eat…

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These results are not to be sniffed at

If you think that emotions can be contagious, you’d be right. It’s well established that feelings of happiness, for example, transfer between individuals through mimicry of facial expressions. But a new piece of research suggests this is not the only way we influence each others’ emotional states. It would appear that feelings can also be…

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