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Celebrating The Day

There is a new date assigned for us to remember loved ones who are no longer with us. Celebration Day is in its second year. I discovered it first after reading an article about a well-known group of celebrities who were talking about how they planned to remember those they had lost. Helena Bonham-Carter told…

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The Importance of Ritual

Well, that went well, didn’t it? What a coronation! The pomp and ceremony that the British do better than any other country in the world. Months in the planning, three hours max in the delivery and it’s all over until the next time. Allowing a little time to pass since the ceremony itself, I’ve been…

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Far from the Madding Crowds

The sightseeing season is under way. Hopes of warmer weather encourages the winter stay-at-homes to explore beyond their front doors. My big adventure was a trip to central London to investigate Sea Life, followed by a trip on the London Eye where the crowds are out in force. It’s a long time since I’ve had…

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Arise Sir Dad!

I was told of a client in therapy who only wanted to talk about the present and not “go there” about childhood matters. That was clear and, for the person-centred psychotherapist/counsellor, it meant that was where he and the client were going. What the client wants – within reason – the client gets. The conversation…

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The Importance of Teddy

Did you ever have a cuddly friend of some description when you were little? Do you remember its name? Or, even better, do you have it still?   I’d bet good money that you can answer yes to at least two of those questions, possibly three. In researching this blog, I’ve done a non-scientific study…

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Minding Our Language

  At the start of any new year, most of us look forwards with ideas and plans for the future.  We may reflect on what is past and decide to let go of what doesn’t work well for us and invest a little more effort in what we think we can and want to change….

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Grief – The Price We Pay For Love*

I lost a close relative recently. She lived a long and fulfilled life, most of which was conducted very much on her terms.  Strangely, for someone who was determined to be at the centre of every glamorous and fun event, this 97-year-old lady left this world so easily and so soundlessly that those lovely carers…

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Flirting with Anarchy

In my earlier days, I was tempted by the idea of anarchy. It had an edge to it; a romantic and revolutionary sound to it that separated me from the crowd of aspirational young capitalists. It was a rebellious alternative that any sensible young adult should be consider.  In those days, I wasn’t entirely sure…

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